⭐️We celebrate 10 VERY SEXY years in the #poledance & #exoticdance industry in Malaysia
⭐️ We celebrate 10 years of EXCELLENCE in teaching everyone how to move, how to #poledance & how to use their body in ways they could not imagine.
⭐️ We celebrate 10 years of GREATNESS in creating this very #sexy space & this very sexy way of #fitness which is in essence, our very own brand of dancing coined BOBBI’S STYLE, known to the pole industry across the entire world.
⭐️ We celebrate 10 years of EXPERIENCE in shaping the lives and aspirations of many women & men who came to learn all about performing & showmanship.
⭐️ We celebrate 10 years of SUCCESS in contributing to the fun & excitement in your life!
⭐️ We continue to celebrate the ULTIMATE BOBBI’S Xperience by offering you a very special promo package of these 3 TRIAL classes for absolute BEGINNERS! Please come and experience it all with us 💋💋💋
Pole dance
7 AUGUST 2022 at 3.30PM
Striptease & Lap Dance (SLAP)
14 AUGUST 2022 at 3.30PM
Chair Dance
21 AUGUST 2022 at 3.30PM